Our Community
Taarewaanga Marae is and has always been a key part of the Ōtorohanga Township and the surrounding district. We believe that we are a key part of our Community. Our Marae is in constant dialogue and communication with all of our hapū huhua o Ngāti Maniapoto, our Marae throughout our rohe, the Ōtorohanga District Council, Te Nehenehenui Regional Management Committee, The Maniapoto Pact Trust, Happy Valley Milk, the Ōtorohanga Kiwi House, Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Apakura, the Waipā District Council, Waikato-Tainui and the Maniapoto Māori Trust Board.
The Taarewaanga Marae Trustees, Committee and whānau are currently on a journey to secure the health and development of our Marae. This website is a key part of that journey in order to prepare, develop and establish a plan for the long-term sustainability of our Marae. Our Mātaiata Website is a necessary step for the growth of our Marae and it will be an important communications tool for us all.
We will now have the ability to share our Mātauranga Māori, our images, our music, videos and our pānui whilst also gaining commercial profits for our Marae through sales in our online shop.
“A strong, healthy and secure marae Community; where our tribal, Māori identity is developed, and will be sustainable for future generations.”
Our Strategy
Strategy is how we go about reaching our vision and end goals. Our Taarewaanga Marae vision mirrors the aspirations that our tupuna had for us, for our whānau to be encouraged, healthy and involved with our marae in order for everyone to benefit. Taarewaanga Marae acknowledges our past and present and we look forward to planning towards our future.
There are four key areas in which we are passionate in improving, developing and maintaining, they are:
- To hold strong to our traditional values
- To know our Whakapapa
- To learn Te Reo me ōna tikanga
- To constantly connect to our whānau