A rich history of our people
Taarewaanga Marae
Ko Mātaiata rāua ko Mātaiwhetu
ngā Puke tapu
Ko Waipā te Awa
Ko Ngāti Maniapoto te iwi
Ko Ngāti Hinewai te hapū
Ko Te Rauatemoa te wharenui
Ko Ngā maumahara te wharekai
"Ko te wehi ki a Ihowa te tīmatanga o te whakaaronui, kei te wehi ki
tōna ingoa tapu.
E whakahōnoretia ana te Kīngi Māori, Tuheitia Potatau Te Wherowhero te tuawhitu,
tana whare Kāhui Ariki,
Paimārire ki a tātou katoa."
Māku Te Whatu
An assertion made by our Tupuna Hinewai to her husband Maniauruahu – that she would be responsible for the home and their children from infancy to adulthood.
Maniauruahu would be responsible for home improvements and for the finishing touches
to the children.
Our Marae strategy is founded on being the ’whatu’.
Coming generations will provide the ‘tāniko'